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  • charles@digitalcare100

This is the Most Desired Characteristic Expected of Doctors

Did you know that patients forget most of what they are told by their doctor? Did you know that the average patient is interrupted within 12 seconds of speaking?

It’s become obvious that patients desire genuine, authentic, personable care, both in-person and digitally. Rapid technological advancements in the digital world have created a higher expectation level among consumers as well.

What’s more, patients have higher expectations of their doctors. In fact, research shows the coveted 18- to 44-year-old demographic is looking for certain relationship qualities when selecting a doctor. At the top of the list of desired relationship characteristics is the ability to have transparent dialogue. Studies have proven that people who find it easy to talk to their doctor are able to build trust much faster.

For decades, chiropractic practices were able to go about their day without really considering how patient-friendly their office may (or may not!) be. Those years are gone. Today’s patients are informed and savvy – studies show that 77% of patients do research online and read reviews prior to selecting a chiropractor. And once they select a practice, they are likely to leave if unhappy.

Do you have transparent dialogue with your patients – both in and out of the office? Technology can help you achieve this desired characteristic.

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